February free choice

Thank you (to my family)

You were my everything
My every thought, my every word
was filled with your name
Little did I know that you were not the same
You had no thoughts that were filled with memories of me
Even in the words you spoke of
those words were nothing but selfish
Everything you did was for yourself
Not even once, did you try to think about me
That was the reason you left
Leaving me alone, feeling betrayed and suffering from my own thoughts
My thoughts that deceived me about you,
Thinking that you were my everything
My friend, family and someone I couldn’t live without
Someone who held me at the same value that I held them
Someone who thought about me
the same way I thought about them
Someone who longed to see me every day
Someone who would never leave me because
they knew I was sensitive
But you on the other hand abandoned me
Left me without a reason
Making me realize,
Realize that I was wrong
Wrong about you
Realizing that what I longed for was never in front of me
But rather standing by my side, my family
What you fail to give me was what my family
had given me along
Love, kindness, belonging
What I had forgotten to give them all along
Was what they had given me all along
It made me realize how much of a bad person I was
Staying with the person that never loved me
Staying with a person that never cared for me
Staying with a person who took me away
Away the one thing that deserved me

My family
My one and only family
That had sleepless nights trying to help me calm down
The family that encouraged me after you left
Family that had always been there for me when you hadn’t
The family that always tried to make me happy
The family that had never left me
The family that loved me more than I loved them
This was what I had realized
What I had come to know about these beautiful people
Which I wanted to stay away from
Which I rarely talked to
They were the people that truly loved me
As tears rolled down my eyes
As my mom stroked my hair she said “Don’t worry, I am here for you”
I smiled replied “Thank you”

This is about a girl who thought her best friend was her everything. In the end, the best friend betrayed her.